NTT DATA Trusted Global Innovator

NTT DATA Getronics Corporation

Sibos 2018 Report

The 2018 edition of SIBOS was held in Sydney Australia between October 23rd and 25th, marking the third time that the event was held in the city after the 1997 and 2006 editions. It was also the 18th time that our company took part in the event, and we would like to thank every single person who visited our booth or attended our Open Theater session.

More than 7,500 people, coming from 144 different countries, attended SIBOS in 2018. 45% (or around 3,350 persons) came from the APAC region, 26% from the EMEA, 16% from the UK/Nordic countries and 13% from the US. More than 80 financial institutions were present, as well as 86 solution providers for a total of 166 companies, plus 70 more from the Fintech world.

Including the Open Theaters, more than 293 sessions were held during the event, divided into the 4 streams of Banking, Compliance, Securities and Technology. This year's theme was "Enabling the Digital Economy" and in depth discussions were held on topics such as digital platforms, cyber security, AI, compliance, SWIFT gpi, and the migration to ISO20022. Highlights were sessions on "Anti money laundering and AI", as well as on how the local stock exchange, ASX, is working on a DLT based platform to manage post trade operations.

The event space included the Innotribe space, the Discovery stage where FinTech companies were promoting their products, as well as the Discovery Zone, a concentration of startups. Innovations were introduced as well to the event, such as the Sibos Smart Badge, that allows participants to exchange contact information just by clicking on their badges.

NTT DATA Getronics at Sibos 2018 in SYDNEY

NTT DATA and NTT DATA Getronics were collaborating for the event this year as well. The booth design, based on the corporate colors blue and white, also included on the side pictures of Sydney landmarks such as the Opera House and the Darling Harbour Bridge.

[Open Theatre]
As is now a regular occurrence since our first presentation at Sibos Osaka in 2012, NTTDG held an Open Theater session in Sydney, with one of our valued customers. This year's theme was "Segregation of Bank Settlement from Group Cash & FX" and Mr. Yukihiko Tanaka from the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation presented the bank's integrated settlement platform as well as a concept of separation of the cross border transactions from settlement accounts.

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About Sibos
Sibos (SWIFT International Banking Operations) is the world's premier financial services event.
Sibos is the annual conference, exhibition and networking event organized by SWIFT for the financial industry. The next Sibos will be held in London (2019).

NTT DATA Getronics attended all 18 Sibos events since its first participation that took place in San Francisco in 2000 (The event was cancelled in 2001).