NTT DATA Trusted Global Innovator

NTT DATA Getronics Corporation

Message from the President & CEO

Shinichiro Miyake

Since one year ago, the world has moved so fast that I feel as if "BREXIT" which was a hot issue at the time is far, far away. Not only in politics but also in economies; Information Technology has progressed even faster; especially, the application of Artificial Intelligence has advanced drastically. It is simply astonishing.

It is said that "the world has become unpredictable". Yet, I am personally skeptical if the world has been ever predictable. It is quite difficult or just impossible to foresee what will happen next.
As Peter F. Drucker wrote: "Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window" and "the most important work of the executive is to identify the changes that have already happened... to use them as opportunities". Moreover, according to him, "the best way to predict the future is to create it"; discussing what will happen next has little meaning.

NTT DATA Luweave has over 50 years history in Japan starting from Olivetti Corporation of Japan in the 1960s. I read the special website to look back at our 50 years, I recognized that our history was just a series of challenges and moving toward changes. Then, we set the new theme, “Make Next Wonders.” In fact, whether we are able to survive in this unpredictable and volatile world depends upon us proving this premise and I strongly believe we will do because that was our history and is our nature.

We will not be afraid of changes. We will not just react and adopt changes. Rather, we shall do our best to create the future.

Octorber 1, 2021
Shinichiro Miyake
President & CEO
NTT DATA Luweave Corporation